Spring is here ... and so is your external storage space.

When spring comes round, we start itching to go outside, to do fun things or ... to embark on the spring cleaning. And that spring cleaning goes extra smoothly and efficiently when you have enough storage space.
Space gobblers
They have something in common, that awful painting you got from your aunt as a moving-in present, that old pair of inline skates and that cardboard box full of primary school reports: they’re all lying around in the loft or gathering dust in some cupboard. And they’re taking up space there. Space you’d rather have for stuff that you still use.
Good riddance to bad rubbish?
And so, while doing the spring cleaning, you finally make the bold decision to visit the recycling centre
with the painting, the pair of inline skates and the box of old school reports in the back of your car. Good riddance
to bad rubbish, you think: you’ll never need those things again.
And then it happens: the aunt who gave you the painting phones you up again after all these years and asks
whether she can pay you a visit. Your friends are starting an eighties revival and want to go inline skating
with you every week. Down at the pub, none of your friends believes that you used to be top of the class at maths. And
suddenly you need that painting, those inline skates and those old school reports.
Safe and within easy reach
It’s a familiar situation that’s easily avoided! And no, not by never doing any spring cleaning again, and not by storing everything at home and seriously restricting your freedom of movement, but by choosing to rent storage space at Box@Home and keep your belongings in a storage box. Because it’s a flexible way to keep your things safe and within easy reach.
Your external storage space in four steps
Step 1 | choose your storage box
On our website, you will find a handy overview of the storage boxes you can rent from us. Choose the Box with the storage capacity (up to 24 cubic metres) you need and we’ll deliver it to your door. No idea which Box you need? No problem: we’ll work it out for you.
Step 2 | reserve your storage box
Once you’ve found the ideal storage box, reserve it in a few clicks – and with no upfront payment – via our online reservation system.
Step 3 | fill your storage box
Once we’ve received your reservation, we’ll contact you to come and deliver your Box. Fill your Box, give us a call and we’ll come and pick it up and bring it to our secure, climate-controlled storage space.
Step 4 | request your stuff again
Is your aunt coming over? Do your friends want to go inline skating? Or do you want to prove to your friends that you were a maths prodigy? Just let us know. We’ll deliver your storage box back to your home or you can come to us to get hold of the things you need quickly.
Would you like to know more about your options for renting storage space from us? Then go ahead and contact us! Box@Home is also your partner for the storage of garden, study and hobby-related equipment, as well as high-quality temporary storage for your belongings if you are doing some home improvements, moving house, going abroad for some time or faced with an emergency situation.