Author portrait of Nicolas Chartier

Nicolas Chartier shares his Box@Home Experience

As a freelance copywriter from Mechelen, Nicolas Chartier faced a challenge: his overcrowded filing cabinets were in desperate need of extra storage space. His search led him to Box@Home, where he had a positive experience that he was ...

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A photo of Nico Leunen sitting at his desk.

From the red carpet to Box@Home

"Service, assistance and friendliness are really super. Both the people at reception and from the planning department were top-notch every time!!! I also have only good memories of the collection and delivery of the BOX. ...

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A woman thinking about a Box from Box@Home

Renting storage space? Think out of the Box!

You can make space to store your belongings in various ways:

  • You can keep piling it up and fill your garden shed to the rafters.
  • You can park your car on the road and turn your garage into your personal w...

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A couple who are going to renovate their living room put their belongings into removal boxes from Box@Home

SOS furniture storage during home improvement work

You’ve been saving money and looking forward to it for a long time, and now the moment has finally come. You’re going to give your living spaces a thorough makeover, restyle your kitchen or knock down some walls. In short, you’re planning a thorough ...

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A room being used as storage space

How much storage space do I need?

For parents travelling with their children it’s: ‘Is it far now?’ For secondary teachers it’s: ‘Do we really have to know that?’ And for Box@Home it’s: ‘How much storage space do I need?’ Guessed what we’re talking about by now? That’s right, the mos...

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A Small Box full of books

Storage for your books and study materials: it’s a no-brainer!

The more you know, the more you forget. Fortunately, you can easily brush up your knowledge by taking a look at your textbooks and other study materials. Without having to store everything all at home, using up valuable space. How? By keeping it in a...

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A couple put the lid on their Small Box which is full of cardboard boxes.

Renting storage space? Piece of cake!

‘I’ll do it when I’ve got time.’ It’s a handy phrase for putting off not-so-urgent chores you don’t feel like doing, such as tidying up the loft, the basement or the shed, right?

Have you ever used ...

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A young couple carefully put their sofa into the Large Box in front of their door

Box@Home: your partner for the storage of items of all sizes

Variety is the spice of life It’s therefore understandable that you regularly want to give your interior a thorough makeover. Because that way your home stays cosy, surprising and pleasant to live in. And Box@Home is your partner in crime!

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A miniature version of the Small Box is next to a bird box

Spring is here ... and so is your external storage space

When spring comes round, we start itching to go outside, to do fun things or ... to embark on the spring cleaning. And that spring cleaning goes extra smoothly and efficiently when you have enough storage space.

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A Box@Home storage space with employees at work in it

Storage locations where security and efficiency are the watchwords

True, you can opt to keep all those items that you don’t often need at home. Heck, why not? Those cardboard boxes add a unique touch to your interior, take up plenty of space and are great for your fitness too. Because you have to ...

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A cheerful woman and unhappy-looking man sit on a sofa  with cardboard boxes on their heads on which their faces have been drawn

A story about cardboard removal boxes, flexible storage and ... saying goodbye

There’s a right time for everything. And for some things there are actually two right times. Such as? Such as deciding whether to keep something … or say goodbye to it. Ideally, you should do that with every spring cleaning and ...

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A Small Box full of baby items

A storage box: the ideal way to store your baby things!

Has your child outgrown his or her baby things? Would you like to keep all those lovely items that you chose with such care, so they can be used for a little brother or sister one day, or for the grandchildren later on? Box@Home...

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A woman carries a cardboard box full of Christmas decorations

Store your Christmas material in five easy steps

Ah, Christmas! The season when jingle bells are to be heard, lights adorn front gardens, living rooms and streets, and people exchange heart-felt greetings ...

Does the cosy Christmas atmosphere put y...;

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Close up of a drum kit with all kinds of hobby-related gear in the background

What to do with hobby equipment that doesn’t fit in the storeroom

Anyone with a hobby involving equipment that takes up a lot of space will already be familiar with the problem. What do you do with your stuff if it’s too much to keep in the store room? How do you store such items, for hobbies such a...

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Several stacks of paper records in an office space

How should I store my archives?

What’s the best way to store an archive? What are you actually doing with your archive? Are you keeping it in the basement? Or the loft? Or, even worse, have you left it lying around in your shed? None of those locations are a good id...

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A Small Box standing outside with a Medium Box in the background

Choose the best storage options for your needs

Life brings many changes – fortunately! You take another step forward each day, and your needs evolve accordingly. Suppose you decide to downsize at a certain point in your life. You will soon realise at that point that you have far too much stuff. T...

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A young couple are busy loading the Large Box that is waiting at their door

The top 5 reasons why our customers use temporary storage

Why do people store their things with Box@Home? What prompts them? Experience has shown that our customers mainly cite the following reasons for temporarily storing their belongings with Box@Home.

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A mannequin in a shop window

How do you make optimal use of your (expensive) retail space?

Do you have a shop? Quite possibly, the rent you pay for it is calculated per square metre. Depending on your location, it may be exorbitant. Obviously you would like to display all your products, but you can’t because there are simply too many. You ...

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A young couple stand in front of their house and look with satisfaction at the storage box they have just loaded

Six tips on optimising your space in a small home

Homes are becoming more and more expensive, if the headlines and experts are to be believed. Living on a larger scale will grow more and more costly and perhaps become unaffordable, especially for young people. Many people are therefore opting to dow...

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An empty living room in the process of being renovated

The ultimate checklist before you start home improvements

You’re starting some home improvements. Good luck! We hope you survive, because there’s a lot involved in home improvements. Especially in terms of time, stress, dust, dirt and grime. However, a project of this kind doesn’t always have to be a horror...

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Two colleagues load the contents of their office into a Large Box from Box@Home

The best way to plan your office relocation

You’re planning to move your office to a new location. You’re therefore expecting a fairly stressful period, because there are a lot of things in an office that have to be moved: not just the heavy items of furniture, but also the cabinets and everyt...

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