Box@Home: your partner for the storage of items of all sizes

Variety is the spice of life It’s therefore understandable that you regularly want to give your interior a thorough makeover. Because that way your home stays cosy, surprising and pleasant to live in. And Box@Home is your partner in crime!
Not interior stylists
We freely admit that we’re not interior decor gurus. We have our talents, but restyling interiors isn’t one of them. So how do we support you in the makeover of your home interior? By offering you a flexible solution for the storage of your items of all sizes We can even help you with furniture storage!
Not goodbye ... but see you later
Most people associate a new interior with saying goodbye to objects and furniture. Because you have to make space for new objects in your interior. But saying goodbye can be hard ... You’ve spent hours on that lovely three-piece suite, or you have good memories of that work of art that now clashes with your new interior. The good news? You can turn ‘goodbye’ into ‘see you later’.
Fashion goes in cycles
History repeats itself. And fashion goes in cycles, including in interior design. That sideboard that’s hopelessly out of fashion right now could be hot and trendy again in a few years’ time. And then it will be a pity that you chucked it out because you had no space to keep it at home. If you opt for furniture storage with Box@Home, that tasteful sideboard will be looking stunning again in your interior in no time.
The practical side of the story
Aesthetic considerations are only one side of the story. You may also want to keep certain large pieces of furniture for practical reasons. A desk may take up a lot of space at the moment, but if your child moves into student accommodation you’ll be glad to be able to give him or her such a nice desk. The same goes for that sofa that currently has pride of place in your living room, but will soon be replaced by a younger model.
Easy and secure
How does Box@Home work? It’s very easy. You select the Box you need on our website , and we bring it to you a few days later. You can choose a Box with a storage capacity of 1 to 24 cubic metres. Filled your Box? Then we’ll pick it up again and take it to our secure storage facility, where your things will be protected against damp, fire and pests. Do you need something from your Box? Then get in touch with us and we’ll deliver your Box back to your door.
The right Box for every object
Box@Home is your complete partner. We can help you with the storage of your things if you:
- are going to move house
- are going to do some home improvements
- are going abroad
- want to create more living space
- have seasonal hobby equipment
- have no room for your garden furniture
- are faced with an emergency situation
- have a son or daughter who’s a student but is going to be living at home again
Would you like to know more about our solutions? Or do you want to rent a Box/storage space? Then go ahead and contact us!