A story about cardboard removal boxes, flexible storage and ... saying goodbye

There’s a right time for everything. And for some things there are actually two right times. Such as? Such as deciding whether to keep something … or say goodbye to it. Ideally, you should do that with every spring cleaning and whenever you move!
Preparation is everything
At Box@Home we’re experts in storage, not spring cleaning, so that’s what we focus on. Moving house is always a complicated business, and you have to prepare well. Because good preparation is half the battle.
Richer than you thought
Strange, isn’t it? No matter how well you prepare for your move, when the time comes for packing, you always find that you’re richer than you thought … because you didn’t know you had so much stuff. And that’s when that enjoyable conversation begins with your partner. ;-)
Do we take it with us or not?
Do you need to take that standard lamp that’s been gathering dust in the loft for years – old junk to your mind, a stylish antique according to your partner – to your new home? And what about that collection of disused laptops sitting in the loft? Do they all have to come along? Because you never know when your PC will fail and you’ll need a backup device quickly, right?
The ultimate relationship test
All these discussions turn moving house into something of a horse-trading session. You’re constantly negotiating with your partner about what to keep and what to get rid of. Those negotiations become the ultimate relationship test. But it doesn’t have to be that way ...
Flexible storage = simple solution
Location and space are the keywords when moving. Because your decision whether or not to put something in a cardboard box and take it with you to your new home is determined by how often you need the item and how much space it takes up. For things that are hard to say goodbye to, or that you only need sporadically, there’s a very simple solution: flexible storage from Box@Home.
Flexible storage = handy system
The principle is very simple:
- You reserve the storage box you need on our website via our handy online reservation system.
- We deliver the Box to your home so that you can fill it with the old lamp, your collection of laptops, and the things you don’t use so often, such as your ski equipment, holiday suitcases, or the folding table and chairs that are only brought out at family gatherings.
- Filled your Box? Then we’ll come and pick it up and bring it to our secure, climate-controlled warehouse.
Flexible storage = stuff always available
Do you need something from your Box? Give us a call, and then either drop in or we will deliver your Box to your home address. With flexible storage from Box@Home you have an easy solution for storing your stuff at a reasonable price, and you avoid the ultimate relationship test! ;-)
Cardboard removal boxes and protective equipment too
Maybe you have enough space to store your belongings, but you need cardboard removal boxes, protective material or other useful products? Contact Box@Home. We are your partner for:
Protective material
- bubble wrap
- removal blankets
- plate protectors
- tissue paper
- bottle protectors
Other useful products
- tape
- tape dispensers
- transport rollers
- handtrucks
- safety knives
- marker pens
Can Box@Home help you with the storage of your hobby-related and seasonal belongings at times when you don’t need them? Go ahead and contact us, including if you have any questions.