A Small Box full of books

The more you know, the more you forget. Fortunately, you can easily brush up your knowledge by taking a look at your textbooks and other study materials. Without having to store everything all at home, using up valuable space. How? By keeping it in a Box@Home storage box!

Love-hate relationship

The chances are that you’ve formed a love-hate relationship with your books or course materials. You’ve spent hours together. Often things have gone very smoothly, but sometimes you were frustrated because you couldn’t get the material into your head. At those moments, you cursed your books and were on the verge of throwing them out of the window or making a nice warm campfire with them.

Chucking them out is off the cards

Yet those moments of frustration don’t outweigh the beautiful memories you’ve forged together. And in any case, your books and course materials contain information that you may still need, even now that you’ve completed the course or even graduated. On both an emotional and a practical level, chucking them out is therefore off the cards.

A touch of nostalgia

The problem is, books, folders and stacks of paper take up a lot of space. You’re therefore very unlikely to be able to keep them in your student room or in your first home. And your parents’ loft probably isn’t the solution either, because your parents have built up a nice collection of their own nostalgia items (which wouldn’t look out of place on the set of Saturday Night Fever, De Collega’s or Rijker dan je Denkt?).

External secure storage

The solution – unlike a tricky exam question – is a no-brainer. Keep your books and course materials in Box@Home’s external, secure storage space, where they’ll be safe from pests and climatic influences. Arranging for us to store your books and study material is very easy. Use our online calculator to work out the size of the Box you need, place your order and we’ll deliver your Box to your doorstep at the agreed time. Filled your Box? Get in touch and we’ll come by again to take your Box to our storage space.

Always available

Do you need a particular book or set of course materials? Just let us know. We’ll deliver your Box to your home, or you can come to our storage space to get what you need. That way, you’ll always have access to the information in your books, without using up space.

Useful for other applications too

Box@Home isn’t just your partner for the storage of books and other study material. Whatever you want to store externally, we have the perfect solution for you. You can even get your packaging material from us.

Box@Home is your complete partner. We can help you with the storage of your things if you:

Would you like to know more about our solutions? Or do you want to rent a Box/storage space? Then go ahead and contact us!